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+977-0159079851. Liquid Nitrogen Ice-cream Making Machine
A. Semi Automatic Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Machine
includes Mixer,Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder with Valve,Tubes & Spoons
Capacity: 7L Size: 402 x 244 x 426mm Weight: 17kg Power: 300W
Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder
Liquid Capacity: 30L Material: Stainless steel Size: 455 x 950mm
Weight Empty: 35kg Total Height: 950mm 1 float lever meter
2m liquid nitrogen hose 1 spray-head
Length: 21cm
How to handle the Semi automatic Type?
1). Connect the tube with Liquid Nitrogen Cylinder;
2). Prepare your ice cream mixture and pour it into the mixer;
3). Turn on the mixer, then open the valve of liquid nitrogen
cylinder by hands then the nitrogen will flow into the mixer,
after filling, then close the valve by hands;
4). Then there will be smokes from mixer, and around 1
minutes, the ice cream would be ready. However, you can
add some fruits into mixer as well at the same time.